I have know the struggles of coming to accept your name, and the different names you've had in your life and the place they hold. For the record, Vedi is a pretty cool name. I have a cousin called Veda, her name is Vedanta, and I thought of her when I read this. Also, the postcard thing is awesome! :)

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Hehehe thank you, I think it's a pretty cool name too! Vedanta for a girl is rare too, and we love rare names 😍 Would love to send you a postcard too btw, feel free to DM me your mailing address!

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Sep 26Liked by Vedi

As some who knows saves your contact as "Veda Di" in my phone📱, I found it interesting that how destiny & the fam has given the perfect name for my courageous yet crazy elder sis! Just don't reveal what Josh saves your name as in his phone 😂

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Hahaha yeah life can be super silly like that

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